After being in Nola for not much more than a day, I have seen and learned much
more than Iwould have expected. Our van tour brought us through the ninth ward, the bayou and the levee, which made everything that we had been discussing much more of a reality to me.

inspiring, knowing that what they don't want to leave is barely even there afte
r the devastation. After also touring the more well off side of town, I am beginning to understand the anger that resided in some residents during the disaster considering the drastic differences between the areas.
Prior the the tour however, while some of the boys were playing football with the local children, I could not help but to think about my students from Hedgepeth Williams, and think about where their young live's fit into he story of this tradgedy. We're they born yet? Do they remember the chaos? How would pur area deal with something like this? It just broke my heart to think that such young lives had to deal with what happened here and no one could control the situation. I am really looking forward to meeting the locals and hearing more of their stories. I also can't wait to be able to tour around the neighborhood and be able to say which projects I have worked on.

And how could I forget to mention the atmosphere! For any football fan you can't have a better weekend than this!
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