Tuesday, January 10, 2012

First Day - Tour

Throughout the tour, I was a bit sad, reflecting upon what would I have done if I were in their position? To have and own a home and all of a sudden everything you work for is gone is very heart breaking. I really admire the people that went through this change. It takes a strong heart, and faith to be able to walk down the street where it was once called a neighborhood and now whenever you look outside, you see land no humans. This leads me to say that we need to stop complaining about the little things we don’t have and start appreciating all of the things we have. People tend to forget that there are bigger things that matter in life besides material goods. A home is where the heart is. We need to start taking care of our family, start treating and loving one another. This week, my goal is to make sure that I work hard, give it my all, and make sure that I can leave a mark here at Nola. We are here for a purpose, and that purpose will be fulfilled before we leave. I am looking forward to begin work tomorrow. As a leader, I will make sure that every member on my team feels comfortable, understand what they’re doing, and to make sure that we all put our heart in the job that were doing.

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