Sunday, January 8, 2012

First Impressions

I was truly amazed by the city yesterday during our driving tour. Everything we had been discussing prior to the trip was finally becoming a reality. The experience was surreal and humbling. As we toured through the ninth ward, I was surprised to see the amount of blocks completely abandoned, with nothing remaining but front steps. I never would have expected the area still needing so much work after the amount of time that has passed. The maps we saw during the discussion were brought to life.
As the tour progressed and we were learning more about people's stories, I was unsure how to feel. The amount of strength it would take to not only leave the only place you have known but to stay away for the remainder of your life is hard for me to fathom. But on the other side, I can not imagine coming back to everything you have worked for and see it gone, having to restart. I look forward to our first day of work tomorrow and as Kayla said yesterday, putting my own handprint on the city.
The passion and pride the citizens of New Orleans have for their city in unparalleled. GEAUX TIGERS!

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