Monday, January 16, 2012


New Orleans was an amazing time. I am grateful I was able to experience such a fun time while doing some legitimate service. Through our frustrations and complaints, there was laughter, empathy and silliness that carried us all and bonded all of us. I am lucky to learn some more about the other serviceable areas of New Orleans, besides house building, and can use those experiences to learn from my own flaws as well as the new ideas we can bring to Trenton. In one of our reflections, we reflected about using these creative, organized ideas to improve some of our own sites, as well as sharing our experiences with fellow students and community in the Northeast using conversation, photographs, and publicizing the need that still resides in NOLA.

My last day, I spent a majority of timeat the Green Project, which I absolutely loved. The concepts for the Green Project and the Arc are awesome, and I wish we had such recycling/environmental sites nearby. I unhinged doors for further recycling/building and recycled paints. I spent a good half hour painting the TCNJ shield onto the wall behind the mixed paints, but so worth it.

They basically receive donations of paints and other building materials, consolidate and organize them, and resell them. This promotes recycling and sustainability, especially during such a time when numerous homes are still being rebuilt. For some reason, doing physical work (labor instead of working with people) feels good because I can actually see physical and immediate results. The soreness you get from insulating a house or leveling a frontyard is a reminder of the work you put in the previous day.

I hope I get the chance to go back. Bonding with Bonners and laughing more than I have in a while, jazz clubs, Mother's seafood gumbo, Mardi Gras beads... good times. I'm going to miss everybody while I'm abroad in Paris but I am inspired to find a soup kitchen or rescue mission to serve there when I have time :)

Bonner Love <3
Tiff Teng

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